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If someone lives with a state of health such as asthma, psoriasis or bacterial infections, they are not the only ones affected.

Her family members – parents, spouses, siblings, children or other relatives – often appear to supply at home.

The global biopharmaceutical company GSK recognized this patient-adjacent audience in its content and marketing program. It is a big group. In the United States alone, an estimated 44.6 million family supervisors support their family members, according to the Postman School of Public Health at Columbia University.

This prompted GSK to create an initiative -supervisor -to help housekeepers find credible information and peer support. His success led to his selection as the best content marketing program in healthcare for the content marketing awards. And for her work on the program, Debbie HSU, then the global digital platform and the head of the content strategy, was recognized as a 2024 finalist for the B2C content marketer of the year. Please note that GSK recently ended the supervisor program.

Supervisors earn their own content

“The knowledge that is necessary for your loved ones goes beyond the testimony of medication,” explains GSK in his award ceremony. “Supervisors have to research themselves and go through many different sources to find credible information to help their relatives manage their conditions.”

These nurses sacrifice and are equipped with increased stress if they help their family members navigate confusing paths. Doctors, nurses and other health professions members are already overwhelmed and are not always available to answer questions.

GSK has created the care to solve this problem or at least tackle. The mobile-reacting platform association caregivers with the correct information and implementable advice from expert care communities.

Experience has also personalized. On the homepage, visitors were immediately hit with a quiz to understand their care style (and register for updates so that GSK records email addresses).

The quiz helped to understand the conditions of the relatives and the needs and skills of the supervisors. Then the relevant content recommended and opened the door for its supervisors on social media, including Facebook (116,000 followers), Instagram (almost 1,800 followers) and YouTube (3,870 subscribers).

A large part of the content available by the supervisors was derived from experts for nursing – people who helped family members with their health challenges.

The Instagram page shows the selection of the available content, from contributions to offers on the care site to self-care tips and advice on certain diseases such as benign prostate enlargement.

Screenshot of the Instagram profile of supervisor. The profile has 46 posts, 1,800 followers and a biography, with the information that the GSK page is financed and managed. The grid contains various contributions with pictures, text and graphics about care, health awareness and personal stories, including topics such as World Psoriasis Day and Urology Week.

In an Instagram role, which was published on international epilepsy day (no longer available), a mother named Emma shares how it is, how it was about her son Oscar, where he had diagnosed the illness at the age of 6.

YouTube served as a home base for his videos, including those who give the Advocate lawyer Elizabeth Miller with tips to relieve the stress of the caregiver.

The supervisor team made the experiences easy to navigate. For example, a four -minute video was divided into clearly labeled chapters in the description. It was also connected to the speaker’s Instagram account so that the audience could follow her and learn more about care.

On the support website, a video library enabled caregivers access to relevant videos and proposed related videos:

Screenshot of a website with a YouTube video with the title

In addition, the site’s tagging system was displayed on the homepage so that the people who are the most interested can select the topic and discover relevant content.

Screenshot of a website with the title

Deliver healthy results

In the first year after the start, the supervisors attracted more than 50,000 website visits from 50 countries. Over half (25,000) filled out the questionnaire and saw its personalized content. About nine months after the beginning, GSK expanded the website to meet more health states and continued to work with expert supervisors to emphasize the important role of nursing staff.

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Cover picture by Joseph Kalinowski/Content Marketing Institute

Create your very own Auto Publish News/Blog Site and Earn Passive Income in Just 4 Easy Steps


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