Fashion shows work well as a marketing tool.

Models walk along the runways and show what the brand sells. It is a common sense tactic.

However, this marketing game does not have to be common, as Boot Barn shows with his latest fashion show by Boot Barn X Wonderwest. The western lifestyle brand has done something that can inspire every B2C or B2B company that conducts marketing-related events.

The avant-garde show installed a fashion film in a live fashion show in Nashville, which debuted on the Barn website. Then the show and the efforts behind the scenes it upheld it into video streaming on Hulu.

Let’s take a look at what worked and what could have been done better in the strategy. Just a note before we do it: These snack bars do not refer to the artistic concept of the fashion show – debate what good art is, is not so helpful or productive for marketers.

1. Tell more about history

The website of the Boot Barns fashion show contains a section “Behind the scenes – The Making of the Fashion Show”. It notes that in two countries more than 100 hours of shooting took five shooting days. It included 75 Runway looks, 36 models and eight dancers.

In the streaming version of the show on Hulu, she uses more than half of the 38-minute video to bring the viewers behind the scenes and to explain the show concept and production and to profile the three charity organizations that are supported by the celebrity partners of the show.

What works

If you give your audience a look at what else could not see, there is a feeling of exclusivity. There is a reason why backstage passes are valued. The owner can see what happens to make the event possible and see the actors in their non-level person.

In the streaming video, the audience gets to know about the unconventional concept, hearing people who are involved in production and see what it took to get public performance.

On the website, Start uses BARN numbers to give an insight into the creation of fashion and position the show as a large production. In streaming video, the clips start with an invisible voice in one of the shootings: “Are you ready? And action! “And shows that show the viewer that this fashion show is not as easy as models that walk along a runway.

What could work better

Boot Barn should have created more content for the website. It took five days to shoot the 47-minute show. While this story is more told in the video, the website shows only a few numbers. The content of the website behind the scenes seems to be a subsequent thought. However, the website is an ideal place to tell even more about history.

What did these five days (and all planning days before) look like? How many crew members were involved? Where did you shoot? How did you choose the models or creative formats? What were the funny outtakes or impressive moments that did not make the final version?

Boot Barn had the entire material to tell more and better developed stories behind the scenes. The audience would probably have loved this type of backstage pass.

2. Connect the story to the mission

Meet the models on the side of the fashion show, below the head - an army of femme fatal vixens. Meet the army of women who have contributed to bringing this creation to life.

Meet the models on the side of the fashion show, below the head – an army of femme fatal vixens. Meet the army of women who have contributed to bringing this creation to life. “

Photos of four models (Mia, Syndney, Rainey and Kyla) are shown, accompanied by a quote related to trust. As Mia says: “My self -confidence does not correspond to taking care of what other people think and only live according to my own rules.”

What works

Models often work as unvoiced mannequins – they are paid to present the clothes, not to speak, let alone express an opinion. It plays well on the topic of the Boot Barn Show of the “Voiceless”.

What could work better

The Meet part of the feature-the-model function was not carried out well. First, it contains only four of the 36 models. And frankly, the viewer hardly “hits” her – a single sentence about the origin of his trust does not make a good “meeting”. It also does not increase the label of “femme fatal vixen”.

The bigger problem with this function is that Boot Barn promised too much. It tells the viewer that the project deals with authorization and sharing the stories of the invisible and the unknown. However, it doesn’t do that here.

3 .. partner for purpose and range

Boot Barn has teamed up for the event with three singers and their charity organizations - Miranda Lambert and their charity organizations for Muttnation and Lucky Break, Jelly Roll and the Mustangs of America Foundation as well as Riley Green and his heroic and horse aid organizations for veterans.

Boot Barn has teamed up for the event with three singers and their charity organizations – Miranda Lambert and their charity organizations for Muttnation and Lucky Break, Jelly Roll and the Mustangs of America Foundation as well as Riley Green and his heroic and horse aid organizations for veterans.

Every charity organization is profiled together with your singer in streaming video. On the website, Boot Barn briefly explains every singer and charity organization and links to the website of the individual non -profit organizations.

What works

Having a mission that goes beyond “Selling things” is always an overview with the audience. Through the partnership with top-class singers who specialize in country music, Boot Barn strengthened their credibility with the target group and reached a wider audience.

The vignettes in the video are masterful stories that correspond to the sound and the mood of the entire boot barn.

What could work better

Nothing. You did well to make prominent and non -profit partnerships optimal.

4. Think

What works

Countdowns create a feeling of urgency (acting now or losing the opportunity) or excitement (the event will come shortly). Think of New Year’s Eve celebrations. Boot Barn chose the excitement in this Facebook role: “We are in the last few days before the Boot Barn X Wonderwest. Watch the show at 11.18.24 at 6 p.m. CT on boot “

As a marginal note for the actual contribution, the caption explains that the boot Barn would host the live show on its website instead of sending the audience to YouTube or Hulu (where they are now streaming). Leading the audience to your website – where you can easily research your other content – is almost always a good choice.

What could work better

The countdown could be more precise. “Come soon” is good. “Two days until it starts” is better. “Exactly until it starts” is the best. Live -Countdown watches are available to be added to a website or a social media contribution.

Go beyond the event

Boot Barn has invested a lot in his fashion event and the end product – the video streaming in Hulu – is a fascinating and entertaining watch. If his content team and the event team had worked together more closely, the brand could have been even more successful in all channels.

It is a great lesson about the many content -oriented possibilities that make your events unused. It is also a kick-in-the-pants to get a meeting between the content and event teams in your calendar as soon as possible.

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Cover picture by Joseph Kalinowski/Content Marketing Institute

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