Create your very own Auto Publish News/Blog Site and Earn Passive Income in Just 4 Easy Steps

Gone are the days of only using open and click-through rates to evaluate your email's performance. Despite increasing privacy regulations, marketers are finding new ways to measure and track the success of their campaigns – including better ways to assess audience engagement.

Ready to take your email reporting to the next level? Here are four metrics to consider adding to learn more about your audience and how to gain deeper insights into them using your email campaign performance.

1. Dynamic live polls

By offering subscribers creative ways to interact with your email, you'll not only increase your click-through rate, but you'll also gain great insights into your audience's engagement, preferences, and more! Litmus Personalize's live surveys (available on all plan types) allow your subscribers to give you valuable feedback that you can use in your future campaigns. Ask about the topics they want to hear about in your newsletter or what features they want next for your product. Or you can just have fun with it to strengthen your relationship with your audience.

Sentiment trackers are a unique type of live survey that allows your subscribers to share their feedback directly in the email. We often use data to understand our own audiences. Combining data from a sentiment tracker with overall email engagement makes it easier to understand your audience's sentiment rather than inferring it from open or click-through rates.

Dynamic live polls and sentiment trackers are the perfect solution to keep your subscribers clicking at a time when inbox service providers (ISPs) are leveraging email interactions for inbox placement. Especially with newsletters where the primary goal may just be to read the content.

2. Engagement times

By keeping an eye on engagement times, you can gain insight into how your subscribers interact with your email after it is opened and before they click on it. Are your subscribers just skimming your email or are they spending more time reading it?

Email engagement analysis from Litmus.Email engagement analysis from Litmus.

Detailed engagement data in Litmus Email Analytics

Combine engagement metrics with open and click data provided by your email service provider (ESP) and you can create a holistic picture of how your emails are performing and gain insights into how to improve your campaigns.

For example, if you see high engagement times – your subscribers spend a lot of time reading and exploring your message – but see low click-through rates, it may mean that your subscribers are having difficulty finding the call to action (CTA).

If you see high open rates but low engagement times and low click-through rates, it may mean that your subject line piques your subscribers' interest enough to open it, but your content doesn't meet their expectations, causing them to quickly abandon your email and never click through to it.

3. Device and email client usage

Geolocation tracking provides insights into where your subscribers are when they read your emails, allowing you to make more informed decisions for future campaigns. Knowing where your subscribers are based can help you:

At the highest level, you can use device data to determine what percentage of your audience reads your emails on mobile devices compared to opening your emails on desktop or webmail. Not only will this help you make design decisions about whether you need to optimize your emails for mobile audiences – for example, by using responsive or hybrid design approaches – but it can also help you deliver more targeted messages to ship. For events, send an Outlook calendar invite to Outlook users and a Gmail calendar invite to Gmail users!

Email reading environment and email analysis Email reading environment and email analysis

Breaking down the reading environment in Litmus Email Analytics

On a deeper level, you can see which email clients your target audience uses. The email world is characterized by inconsistent HTML and CSS support across all clients. So, knowing which clients your target audience uses most often allows you to make more informed design and development decisions – which could positively impact the time you spend creating emails.

Have you been thinking about trying out a new interactive technique that is only supported by a limited number of email clients? Knowing which email clients are popular with your target audience is the first step in deciding whether investing in more advanced coding techniques is worth it.

4. Dark Mode

On average, about 35% of Apple email client users use dark mode. Therefore, it is important to ensure that you develop your design with this audience in mind. Litmus Email Analytics tells you what percentage of your audience is using dark mode – including those who have MPP enabled.

Knowing how many subscribers use dark mode – and in which email clients – can help you plan how much time you invest in designing for dark mode.

Litmus Builder makes it easy to view your code in dark mode with Dark Mode View, so you can preview your emails in dark mode as you build. And when you're ready to test it out, there are over 20 dark mode email clients available for you to preview your emails.

When viewing previews, use the Litmus Top Dark Mode Clients list in email testing profiles to quickly jump to a group of the most commonly tested dark mode email clients.

Get to know your audience with Litmus

When you combine the power of Litmus Personalize and Litmus Email Analytics, you can learn even more about your audience than if you rely solely on the email performance data your ESP gives you.

With engaging surveys and dynamic content, as well as advanced insights from email analytics, you can find out what resonates best with your audience to influence design, send time, segmentation, and even copywriting decisions.

Need help getting started?
It doesn't matter if you're already a Litmus customer or just want to give Litmus Personalize or Email Analytics a try – we're here to get you started. Just send an email to and we'll help you set up your next campaign.

Create your very own Auto Publish News/Blog Site and Earn Passive Income in Just 4 Easy Steps


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