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Ahhhh, the New Year, a time when we reinvent ourselves in the hope of a healthier, smarter and more enjoyable 365 days (366 this year). On average, a New Year's resolution lasts just under four months. Not bad! But we can do better.

At Sinch Email on Acid, our New Year's resolution stands. It is a completely new user interface (UI). This means you'll enjoy a better user experience when you perform email quality assurance (QA) with the industry-leading tools and apps you love.

Sign up now to find out for yourself, or read on to find out what to expect.

What changes (and what doesn't)

Don't worry… the Email on Acid tools and apps you rely on to do your best work remain the same. From unlimited email testing to the full Campaign Precheck process, you can continue to enjoy your favorites without changes.

So what's new? Our team has updated the look and feel of the application to make it simpler, sleeker and more modern. We made these design decisions to make the email testing experience easier for you as a user. Let’s take a quick look and see some updates!

New navigation

The redesigned sidebar navigation Continues to show all your top tools and applications. However, the new look is simplified and generally easier to navigate by prioritizing your favorite features first.

New sidebar navigation in Email on AcidNew sidebar navigation in Email on Acid

Email previews

Like the sidebar navigation too New email preview results screen is reduced and streamlined. This allows you to focus on how your designs and email code appear on more than 100 of the most popular clients and devices.

New UI for email preview resultsNew UI for email preview results


The updated analytics dashboard Now offers a tabbed experience as well as improved graphical visualizations. It's easier than ever to uncover all the data you need so you can analyze campaign performance and optimize your email strategy.

Unlike other platforms, Email on Acid's analytics dashboard provides detailed engagement metrics (read, skim, delete) and a breakdown of the email clients your list uses to view your campaigns.

This new interface is for you

All of us here at Sinch Email on Acid value the people who use our tools to deliver email perfection. When we designed the ideal email testing experience, we thought about you.

They say “less is more,” which is perhaps how you would describe these UI updates. But it doesn't reflect the solutions you find in it. From robust email previews and inbox optimizations to accessibility checks and features that help the entire team collaborate, you've got everything you need to present your best emails.

Now all you have to do is log in and start testing.

Simplify the email QA process and deliver perfection

What is the best way to go through your pre-shipment checklist? With Sinch Email on Acid's Campaign Precheck, we have simplified the process and set everything up for you. Use it to double-check your content, optimize deliverability, ensure accessibility, and preview campaigns more than 100 of the most popular clients and devices. All before you hit send!

Start a free trial

Author: The Email on Acid Team

Email on Acid's content team is made up of digital marketers, content creators, and real email geeks. Connect with us on LinkedIn, follow us on Facebook, and tweet @EmailonAcid on Twitter for more great email marketing news and great convos.

Author: The Email on Acid Team

Email on Acid's content team is made up of digital marketers, content creators, and real email geeks. Connect with us on LinkedIn, follow us on Facebook, and tweet @EmailonAcid on Twitter for more great email marketing news and great convos.

Create your very own Auto Publish News/Blog Site and Earn Passive Income in Just 4 Easy Steps


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